Frequently asked questions about submitting your nature strategy

Does my organization need a standalone nature strategy?

No. Your nature strategy can be part of your climate/net-zero, sustainability or broader corporate strategy. You may also prefer to have a stand-alone strategy. Please make sure to submit the overarching strategy document which contains the company’s forward-looking plans to contribute towards a nature positive future.

What if my organization already has a nature strategy?

Great! Before you submit, we encourage you to review your existing plans using the Nature Strategy Handbook and the minimum requirements to make sure you haven’t missed anything. While we don’t expect all businesses to comply with every single recommendation in the Handbook today, it is an indicative resource to help businesses make sure their nature strategies drive real business action. Your strategy will be reviewed to make sure it meets the minimum requirements before being endorsed and featured on the campaign website.

When can a business join the campaign?

As soon as possible! All businesses are encouraged to join the campaign by developing and submitting their nature strategy on the ‘It’s Now for Nature’ website. We hope to be able to share a collective set of strategies at the UN Biodiversity COP16 due to take place in October 2024.  However, the campaign will build up to 2030 and businesses at earlier stages of their nature journeys will be able to submit new or enhanced strategies as soon as they can.

What if my business is not ready to submit a nature strategy or doesn’t yet have the required skills?

We’d encourage you to take a look at these  High-Level Business Actions and the Why Nature? pages on the Business for Nature website. These resources will help you make the case for action on nature within your organization.

What happens if my organization’s strategy doesn’t get through the review process?

We want this campaign to be as inclusive as possible. During the review Business for Nature will provide constructive feedback and encourage businesses to strengthen their strategy by including essential missing parts. Businesses will be able to submit their nature strategy more than once, and we will list businesses only once they have successfully gone through the review process.

What happens once my strategy has been submitted?

Once your strategy has been submitted, the Business for Nature team will review your strategy against the minimum criteria. During the review process, we may contact you directly to ask for further clarifications. After the strategy has been approved – which can take up to 8 weeks – we will email you and confirm the final outcome. We would ask you not to make any public announcements until we have confirmed that your strategy has been approved.  Should your strategy be successful, we will then invite you to share publicly that you are part of the ‘It’s Now for Nature’ campaign. We will provide some template content to support this and also indicate a date when your strategy will be published on the campaign website

Do I have to pay to submit a nature strategy?

No. There is no charge for submitting a strategy as part of the campaign.