• Sector: Health Care and Pharmaceuticals
  • Headquarters: United Kingdom

Review summary

GSK submitted its progress report and nature report to ‘It’s Now for Nature’ and met all the review criteria to be accepted into the campaign. In its nature strategy, there is an overview of the impacts and dependencies, an approach to target-setting, and the actions GSK is taking to achieve these targets. 

Reviewed March 2024

  • GSK has undertaken a full value chain materiality assessment.​
  • The focus areas addressed by GSK are freshwater, land, oceans, atmosphere, waste, and materials.​
  • For example, GSK has mapped its water footprint and calculated the volume of water the company uses across its value chain and operations.

  • GSK has set SMART targets and has the ambition to go beyond the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) standard for target-setting.
  • GSK provides a clear structure for the targets with a table with one to three targets per focus area.
  • For example, GSK has three water targets including being water-neutral in operations and with key suppliers in water-stressed regions by 2030.

  • For each of the five impact areas, GSK highlights its actions, and each section provide details about how the company plans to achieve the targets.
  • For example, across all of GSK’s sites, it maintains high-quality water infrastructure to ensure there is no leakage and reduce overall water use.

  • GSK’s nature strategy has received both C-suite and Board approval. 
  • GSK’s nature strategy was approved by the Board Corporate Responsibility Committee, and delivery is overseen by the Sustainability Council.
  • In addition, some nature targets are linked with the remuneration for senior leaders of the company.