Sogrape Vinhos, S.A.

  • Sector: Food, Beverage, Agribusiness and Fisheries
  • Headquarters: Portugal

Review summary

Sogrape Vinhos, S.A. (Sogrape) submitted its 2022 Sustainability Report to ‘It’s Now for Nature’ and met all the review criteria. The report is structured in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. 

Reviewed April 2024

  • Sogrape has performed a materiality assessment and lists material impacts with waste and wastewater being the most material impact. Greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, biodiversity and soil management were also considered as material nature-related issues.
  • “The process for Sogrape’s materiality assessment involved analysis and consideration of various factors to identify and prioritise the most significant issues for the company and its stakeholders.”

  • Sogrape has made three commitments relating to the environment: 
  1. achieve neutral environmental impact, 
  2. advance on nature and biodiversity conservation and 
  3. drive sustainability and circularity across its supply chain.
  • Example targets:​
  1. By 2027 Sogrape will advance circular and nature-based solutions across all businesses with at least five projects in each Business Unit and have 60 circular economy and nature projects.​
  2. By 2027 Sogrape will have 100% of its strategic suppliers embrace sustainable practices.

  • Sogrape has implemented several key actions to protect and restore biodiversity. 
  • For example, preventing the introduction of invasive species, adaptation to manage proliferation of weeds, ecological structure recovery and creation of predatory species habitats, vineyard blocks designed according to detailed soil surveys, tree planting, responsible farming practices, etc.

  • The President, Board and C-suite staff are responsible for the sustainability strategy. The embedded nature report  was signed off by the senior leadership of the company.